Are you thinking about getting snap-on dentures? Affordable dental implants are a great option for securing your dentures. But what can you expect after surgery?
After Receiving Affordable Dental Implants
If you’re choosing snap-on dentures for affordable dental implants, you’ll receive minimally invasive surgery and minimal downtime.
Bone grafting procedure
If all your teeth have been missing for many years and your jawbone has begun to shrink, you might need bone grafting. Bone grafting builds the bone up to ensure your affordable dental implants have enough support. The grafts will heal in three to four months, after which you can receive dental implants.
Minimal pain
Your dentist will make two small openings in your gums to position affordable dental implants in your jawbone. Soft tissue heals quickly, and bone has little sensitivity. And you’ll receive a local anesthetic so that you won’t feel any pain during the surgery.
You’ll also receive mild sedation to help you stay relaxed. Sedation also lowers your sensitivity to pain.
Mild swelling
During three to four days after surgery, you’ll experience mild swelling. Activity increases swelling, so rest as you heal.
Pain management
Your dentist will give you a prescription or recommend ibuprofen to relieve pain. After a few days, most patients can switch to ibuprofen for pain relief.
Follow-up visits
You will have follow-up appointments to check the progress of the healing process and to ensure the implant sites are healthy.
What to avoid
As you do your part in ensuring the healing process goes smoothly, avoid the following:
- Strenuous activity for the first few days after surgery
- Smoking and tobacco products because they restrict blood flow and inhibit healing
- Sucking on a straw, which can loosen blood clots
- Touching the surgical sites or pulling on sutures
- Chewing hard or sticky foods
- Chewing directly over the implant sites
Permanent dentures
After the surgical sites heal, your dentist will secure your permanent dentures to the affordable dental implants.
Schedule a Consultation for Information Tailored to Your Case
Schedule a consultation with a highly trained and experienced implant dentist. He or she will answer your questions. A review of your health history, an examination, and x-rays will be required to determine if you are a candidate for affordable dental implants.
In Baton Rouge, Steven Brooksher, DDS is a fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. He sponsors this post.