I’ve had porcelain veneers since 2007, and want to replace them to get a brighter and more natural-looking smile. I had three consultations with dentists, and one recommend zirconia or Emax crowns. The other two dentists recommended feldspathic veneers. Do you mind ranking the materials from highest to lowest for what I want to accomplish? Thanks. Nagi
Your question is like asking which materials can create a masterpiece painting without considering the talent of the artist. Rather than being primarily concerned about whether a dentist uses e.max, feldspathic, or zirconia porcelain veneers, consider whether the dentist is a talented artist who creates beautiful smiles.
We recommend checking dentists’ post-graduate cosmetic dentistry training, cosmetic dentistry accreditation, the smile galleries of patients’ cases on their websites, and their porcelain veneers experience.
Check the credentials of the dentists with whom you had consultations. If they are not accredited cosmetic dentists or do not have extensive cosmetic dentistry training, find dentists with the training and experience to personalize a beautiful smile for you. Schedule consultations with at least two advanced cosmetic dentists to discuss your smile goals and options for achieving them.
What Materials Produce Beautiful Porcelain Veneers?
Skilled cosmetic dentist often use feldspathic porcelain or e.max to achieve beautiful results. Zirconia is manufactured in blocks of porcelain that must be ground into porcelain veneers or porcelain crowns. Although a dental ceramist can bake stain on zirconia’s surface, the results are less aesthetic than baking tint variations onto porcelain. Also, a block of zirconia cannot product subtle variations in shade and translucence in porcelain veneers to mimic natural teeth, but e.max and feldspathic porcelain can.
Check the credentials and training of the dentist with whom you already had consultations. If they lack accreditation or post-graduate training, look for a dentists who do, and schedule consultations.
Baton Rouge accredited cosmetic dentist Dr. Steven Brooksher sponsor this post.

Before and after porcelain veneers photos from Dr. Duane Delaune.